How You Can Contact Us
You can reach out to us in one of several ways:
Our Phone: 860-529-1877
If we're not available, please leave a detailed message together with the best time to call you back.
Our Email:
We're happy to answer any of your questions this way, as best we can, but most times a phone call will get you
answer quicker and with more detailed information.
Our Physical Address:

TFG Transfer
55 Barton Hill Road
East Hampton, CT 06424
Drop off location in the Hartford area:
The Camera Bar
75 Asylum Street
Hartford, CT 06103
Pick-up and delivery:
If it is not possible for you to come to either location and you are in the Hartford or Middlesex county area
you can arrange for us to pick up your order at a convenient time for you.
Nearest airport to our location:
If you plan on flying your GA aircraft into Connecticut, the closest airport to us is GoodSpeed Airport in East Haddam, CT.
Make sure to include the transfer order forms with anything you will be sending in to us. These forms will tell us exactly what you want us to do for you and how we can get in touch if we have questions about your order. The forms can be found on each of the format pages but we are providing them, here, as well.
8mm/S8mm/16mm Transfer Packet
16mm Sound Transfer Packet

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This site or any of its contents may not be copied or mirrored on any other web site or
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If you find certain wording or phraseology used above to explain our work or services on other
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